If you are looking for a specialized professional in making commemorative plaques in Valencia, cast in noble metals, do not hesitate to contact Fundiciones Ferrer.
We use noble metals such as bronze and aluminum, creating personalized handcrafted works. You can bring us the configured model you desire, and we will take care of making it to your taste and needs.
We create the model in marble dust, then reproduce it in a sand mold, bake it, and pour the metal at over 1000 degrees into the sand mold, faithfully reproducing the negative of the plaque you have designed and envisioned, for example, for a very unique event, the memory of a deceased family member...
With us, you will obtain a plaque with a unique design, where you will choose the lithography, decoration, monograms, drawings, gilding, silvering, leather colors, and all with the different tones that only baths in noble materials can create. You will be involved at all times in the decoration of your commemorative plaque.
All our works are handcrafted, forged with ancient and classic materials, with a great transmission of values due to their unique and personalized manufacture.
Our works
Come visit us, we will be at your full disposal, helping you with all your needs with the best advice.